NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence
Deputy Director made a lecture in Energy Awareness Course

Deputy Director made a lecture in Energy Awareness Course

During the Energy Awareness Course held from December 12 to 16 in NATO School Oberammergau (NSO), Colonel Thierry Segard, Deputy Director of NATO ENSEC COE made a lecture to present the ENSEC COE and the forecasts activities for 2023.
NATO ENSEC COE expert discussed energy security challenges at the Central European Day of Energy...

NATO ENSEC COE expert discussed energy security challenges at the Central European Day of Energy 2022

On the 8th of December, Mr. Lukas Trakimavičius, Subject Matter Expert from the Research and Lessons Learned Division attended the Central European Day of Energy 2022 conference. He spoke about the ongoing war in Ukraine and relevant critical...
NATO ENSEC COE expert participated in a fellowship program hosted by CEPA

NATO ENSEC COE expert participated in a fellowship program hosted by CEPA

Mr. Lukas Trakimavičius, Subject Matter Expert from the Research and Lessons Learned Division of the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence participated in the James S. Denton Transatlantic Fellowship Program, which was hosted by the Center for...
Members of NATO ENSEC COE visited Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant

Members of NATO ENSEC COE visited Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant

On 15th of November members of NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence visited Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (INPP). The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the INPP decommissioning process, dismantling of the reactors and radioactive...
NATO ENSECCOE visited by French-Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce

NATO ENSECCOE visited by French-Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce

On 9th of November a delegation from French-Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce visited the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (NATO ENSEC COE). Guests were welcomed by the Centre’s Deputy director Colonel Thierry Segard.
Republic of Poland became 13th member of NATO ENSEC COE

Republic of Poland became 13th member of NATO ENSEC COE

After the completion of the joining procedures on October 2022, Republic of Poland became the 13th member of the NATO ENSEC COE.