NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

NATO ENSEC COE expert participated in a fellowship program hosted by CEPA

Mr. Lukas Trakimavičius, Subject Matter Expert from the Research and Lessons Learned Division of the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence participated in the James S. Denton Transatlantic Fellowship Program, which was hosted by the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA). CEPA is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, public policy institution based in Washington DC, focused on strengthening the transatlantic alliance.

As part of a cohort of rising transatlantic leaders from Central and Eastern Europe, Mr. Trakimavičius spent three weeks in Washington DC where he met and engaged with senior US government officials, thought leaders from DC think-tanks and industry representatives on major policy issues facing the transatlantic alliance. This year‘s fellowship program was particularly focused on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, energy security, critical infrastructure, US-Europe cooperation and EU-US-China relations.

The main goal of the fellowship program is to develop and support a network of next-generation transatlantic leaders and develop strategies and opportunities for cooperation that will meaningfully strengthen the US-CEE relationship. The program is designed to facilitate collaboration between the CEE and US policy professionals and help address and offer innovative solutions to mounting threats to the wider transatlantic partnership.