NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Members of NATO ENSEC COE visited Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant

On 15th of November members of NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence visited Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (INPP). The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the INPP decommissioning process, dismantling of the reactors and radioactive waste disposal projects. Our group was also briefed about history of INPP, radiation safety, physical security measures and future challenges.

INPP decommissioning process includes the operation of key systems that ensure nuclear, radiation and fire protection, as well as physical safety at the INPP, the unloading of spent nuclear fuel from power units and its transportation to the Interim Spent Fuel Storage Facility, equipment and building decontamination and dismantling, and radioactive waste treatment and storage. The INPP decommissioning is set to be completed by 2038.

More information about INPP - Ignalina nuclear power plant (iae.lt)