NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence
Italian contribution to NATO ENSEC COE

Italian contribution to NATO ENSEC COE

On August 19, LTC Luca Dottarelli has joined the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (NATO ENSEC COE) as Head of Doctrine and Concept Development Division. He is coming from the Italian Joint Force HQ.
Energy Security: Operational Highlights No 3

Energy Security: Operational Highlights No 3

In the third volume of "Energy security: operational highlights" we writing about successful use of fuel savers at NATO deployed camps, analyzing Polish Energy Security Policy and discussing about opportunities to add Critical Energy...
NATO ENSEC COE is growing professionally

NATO ENSEC COE is growing professionally

On August 5, LTC Nicolas Henry has joined the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (NATO ENSEC COE) as Deputy Director. LTC Nicolas Henry comes from the French Joint Fuel support service (Service des Essences des Armées) and will represent...
Energy Security: Operational Highlights No 2

Energy Security: Operational Highlights No 2

In the second number of "Energy Security: Operational highlights" you will find information about: - Energy Self-Sufficient Military Installations: Rewards and Obstacles. - Strategy Options For Installation of Modern Energy Technologies into...
Energy Security Forum 7th Volume

Energy Security Forum 7th Volume

The seventh volume of “Energy Security Forum” journal is the first one officially released by NATO Energy Security Center of Excellence. The seventh edition of “Energy Security Forum” observes what challenges can arise when implementing...
The NATO ENSEC COE took part at two marathons over one weekend

The NATO ENSEC COE took part at two marathons over one weekend

Col. Romualdas Petkevičius, Director of the NATO ENSEC COE, is big fan of sports, especially he is keen on running marathons.