Italian contribution to NATO ENSEC COE
On August 19, LTC Luca Dottarelli has joined the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (NATO ENSEC COE) as Head of Doctrine and Concept Development Division. He is coming from the Italian Joint Force HQ.
LTC Dottarelli has a widespread international joint/combined integrated military/civil experience at strategic/operational level.
His principal at ENSEC COE duties are:
1. To organize, co-ordinate and supervise activities in field of energy security concept and doctrine development and validation.
2. To report to and inform the Deputy Director of all matters that needs his/her attention or when so required.
3. To supervise activity of his/her personnel and ensure their optimal interaction, cooperation and complementarities.
4. To facilitate collection and analysis of relevant data and produce information;
5. To manage the process of improvements in the area of responsibility and propose amendments to concepts, doctrines, standards and TTPs resulted from strategic training, exercise analysis and research.
6. To finalize processes by turning the Lessons Identified into Lessons Learned.
7. To contribute to the incorporation of the Best practices, latest Lessons Learned into concepts, doctrines, standards and TTPs in cooperation with other divisions.
8. To engage in mutual cooperation with other Doctrine & Concept Development Division and Training & Exercise Division in the area of concept, doctrine, standard and TTP development.
9. To engage in mutual cooperation with other COEs, other international organizations and institutions dealing with energy security especially in the area of doctrine and concept doctrine, standard and TTP development.