NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as an alternative propellant in the naval field

NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence is proud to present Subject Matter Experts Ms Marju KORTS study titled “Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as an alternative propellant in the naval field“. The study elaborates on how a transport sector is the fastest growing consumer of energy and producer of greenhouse gas­es in the European Union. Also how current requirements for limiting environmental pollution make an impact on fuel transition and what challenges this process is facing. The study delves in the detail about processes to lower the emissions and possible solutions of alternative fuels. The intricacies of using the liquefied natural gas as a fuel and the impact on infrastructure, also the technologies for engine upgrades or modifications are discussed.

Link to the article: https://www.enseccoe.org/data/public/uploads/2021/03/nato-ensec-coe-lng-as-an-alternative-propellant-in-the-naval-field.pdf