NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

The NATO ENSEC COE welcomed former Minister of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania Mr. Arvydas Sekmokas, as a part of the series energy experts meetings

On the 20th of September NATO ENSEC COE Director COL Romualdas Petkevicius met with former Minister of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania Mr. Arvydas Sekmokas. The meeting was dedicated to discuss the study NATO ENSEC COE are conducting together with Hybrid COE and preparation for NATO ENSEC COE TABLETOP EXERCISE (TTX) later this year. Mr. Sekmokas kindly offered his assistance, support, expertise and knowledge of energy security infrastructure domain in the Baltic region, which is highly relevant for the upcoming TTX conducted by the NATO Energy Security Center of Excellence.

NATO ENSEC COE TABLETOP EXERCISE (TTX) - Coherent resilience (CORE-18) will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania 3-7th of December 2018. The aim of the TTX is to evaluate hybrid threats to critical energy infrastructures with implications for collective defense and the enablement of SACEUR's AOR. For the purposes of this exercise, infrastructures will broadly consist of fuel and electricity supply chains, as well as other transport (rail and road) and communications. The geographic area of the exercise will include the Baltic States, as well as Poland, Sweden and Finland.