NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

The Chief of Defence Staff of the Swedish Armed Forces visits the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence

The NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence has received a delegation from the Swedish Armed forces, headed by the Lieutenant General Dr Dennis T. Gyllensporre, the Chief of Defence Staff of the Swedish Armed Forces. They were met by Colonel Gintaras Bagdonas, the Director of the NATO ENSEC COE and Colonel Jean-Marc Bouillet, the Deputy Director of the NATO ENSEC COE.

The delegation was briefed on the major projects and work areas of the Centre, as well as the past successes and future plans. The guests were also informed of the current events in the Baltic Sea and European energy related spheres, with special details given to Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection and the security of supply. Moreover the delegation was particularly interested in the new Nord Stream 2 pipeline, its development and implications for the European energy sector, both technical and geopolitical.

The guest visit was concluded with the exchange of symbolic gifts between the heads of both sides and the customary signing of the NATO ENSEC COE Guest Book by the Lieutenant General Dr Dennis T. Gyllensporre.