NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

On the 18th May 2017, Minister of Defence of Ukraine General of Army Stepan POLTORAK, together with a delegation of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence paid a visit to NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence

On the 18th May 2017, Minister of Defence of Ukraine General of Army Stepan POLTORAK, together with a delegation of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence paid a visit to NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence. The Director Gintaras Bagdonas welcomed them and gave a comprehensive brief on the Centre’s organization, aims and day-by-day business.

The Ukrainian Minister of Defence was briefed on the cooperation between the NATO ENSEC COE and Ukrainian organizations, including on the Table Top Exercise on protection of critical energy infrastructure, which will be organized for the Ukrainian institutions in Kyiv, Ukraine, in October 2017. During the brief special emphasis has been put on successful implementation of NATO ENSEC COE projects in field of support to Critical Infrastructure Protection in Ukraine as well as courses on Energy Security that could be attended by Ukrainian experts and officials.

The Minister and the members of delegations appreciated the ongoing collaboration between the Centre and the Ukrainian public and private partners and expressed the intention to intensify the partnership with the NATO ENSEC COE.