NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Workshop on Hybrid Threats and Energy security held in Vilnius

On 10-11th September, the conference „Hybrid threats: overcoming ambiguity, building resiliance“ took place in Vilnius. Organized by NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence, Vilnius University Institute of International relations and political science and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Expert level workshop centred around relevant threats to energy security and hybrid warfare, also lessons learned from the Ukraine crysis.

The opening speaches were given by Minister of Foreign Affairs Linas Linkevičius, Director of NATO ENSEC COE colonel Gintaras Bagdonas and the Director of VU Institute of International relations and political science Ramūnas Vilpišauskas. Keynote speaker was Director of NATO Standartization Office major general Edvardas Mažeikis. 

Experts from Czech Republic, France, Poland, Sweden and Ukraine shared their expertise during the workshop. Lithuanian experts came from Ministry of National Defence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, NATO ENSEC COE, Lithuanian Rifleman Union. Participants from NATO Strategic Communication Centre of Excellence, NATO land component command and other organizations were also included.

The workshop contributed to raising awareness about changing security perspectives as well as served for the exchange of practical insights about the ways of improving EU's and NATO's instruments for coping with hybrid threats. The event brought together leading experts, academic scientists, researchers and media representatives to exchange and share their views and experiences about current hybrid threats and their prevention. It also provided the platform for increasing the knowledge on countering misinformation, deconstructing propaganda and dealing with ambiguity. It also focused on energy security issues and critical energy infrastructure protection together with examples of social resilience. The event gathered experts from NATO and European Nations and institutions, as well as Ukraine.