NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Visit of US Secretary of the Navy (DoD)

On 17 June, 2015  the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence received a delegation of the United States of America Department of Defence (DoD), headed by Mr. Ray MABUS, US Secretary of the Navy (DoD) with the Chief of Staff to the Secretary of the Navy, Mr Thomas OPPEL and the director for International Affairs, Ms Anne GEBHARDS.

The Secretary of Navy was welcomed by the Head of Doctrine and Concept Development Division, Lt Col Luca Dottarelli (Italy) and Lithuanian MoD/NATO ENSEC COE Steering Committee representative Dr. Karolis Aleksa.

A round table discussion took place with the presentation of the NATO ENSEC COE role, main areas of interests  and activities, focusing on energy efficiency innovation needed in the armed forces to decrease the dependence on fossil fuels as well as to the importance of awareness also via education and training on energy security related developments, considering that energy is more and more part of a wider hybrid warfare strategy and a political tool.  Also the importance of knowledge on aspects of critical energy infrastructure protection has been noted.

Joining procedures are on-going  and USA is expected to become an NATO ENSEC COE sponsoring nation by the end of the year 2015, moreover active partnerships and cooperation are already active with different American Defence entity, such us US Naval Postgraduate School and different think tanker and companies.
