NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Visit of Moldavian delegation

On 26th of June, the NATO ENSEC COE received a delegation consisting of members of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, International Republic Institute and the representative of the Embassy of Republic of Moldova to the Republic of Lithuania.

The purpose of this visit was to get acquainted with the work of the NATO ENSEC COE as well as to broaden the horizons on the issues of energy security. LTC Luca Dottarelli, Head of Doctrine and Concept Development Division, held a wide scope presentation on the concept of energy security, the importance of the issues concerning the topic, NATO’s role in the area and the future challenges.

In addition, delegates, being highly interested in the energy security issues, actively engaged in the discussion by asking questions and adding comments. The presentation was followed by coffee and refreshments to prolong the discussion in a more informal atmosphere.