NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Visit from University of Massachusetts Amhers

On 31st of July 2015, NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence welcomed Captain Codi Carron from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. During a one-day meeting, the parties involved have discussed the preparatory matters for the University’s Cadets visit that is to be held in 2016.

The session started with the presentation of the general vision, objectives and main activities of the NATO ENSEC COE that was given by the Deputy Director LtCol Nicolas Henry. Accordingly, Capt. Codi Carron presented the cadet programme at the University and their general expectations for upcoming visit next year. Capt. Carron also expressed the University’s interest in creating opportunities for cadets to gain practical experience in the NATO ENSEC COE through the internship programme. Visit to the camp of the Military Academy of Lithuania was arranged.