NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

U.S. Abassadors visit to NATO ENSEC COE

The NATO ENSEC COE received a delegation from the United States of America headed by H.E. Ms Anne Hall the US Ambassador to Lithuania. They were welcomed by the Centre's Director Colonel Gintaras Bagdonas and newly appointed US representative in the Centre division head Major Scott Serkin.

As part of the visit, the delegation was briefed on the Centre's work and on-going projects. At the same time the US delegation had the opportunity to observe the finalisation of one of the Centre's projects - the TTX and ATC post exercise evaluation conference.

The Ambassador Hall was very pleased by the Centre's projects focusing on energy savings and transitioning of the NATO forces from fuels to renewable energy and she proposed additional avenues of future cooperation.

The Delegation pointed out that the U.S. seeks to ensure regional stability through its commitment to security organizations like NATO, and was happy to see that the U.S. has joined ENSEC COE.