NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

The NATO ENSEC COE welcomed Brigadier General Jurgen-Joachim von Sandrart

The NATO ENSEC COE welcomed Brigadier General Jurgen-Joachim von Sandrart, the Commander of the 1st Tank Division of the German Armed Forces. Together with Leutenant Colonel Bernd Homuth, the Germany’s liaison officer to the LTU MOD and NFIU and other colleagues from the German Military Forces, visited to get to know more about the Centre and scope of its activities.

They were received by Colonel Gintaras Bagdonas, the Director of NATO ENSEC COE and the Heads of the Research and Lessons Learned, and Doctrine and Concept Development divisions. Following a brief presentation of the projects and competencies, the guests were keen to discuss physical deliverables of the COE. In particular the Brigadier General was interested in the Hybrid Power Generation System that was created on the behalf of the Centre. The guest expressed interest in loaning the HPGS for testing in the German mobile forces and enquired of other tactical level mobile renewable energy supply solutions that the COE is working on.

After all such devices, that employ renewable or mixed energy solutions while being easily transportable, could facilitate independence from strenuous logistic footprints. Thus they would be essential in creating a high mobility military force.