NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

The NATO ENSEC COE hosted a joint delegation from US Congress and American think tanks

On 2 July 2018, NATO ENSEC COE welcomed a joint delegation comprised of US Congressional staffers and representatives from US think tanks (Hudson Institute, Washington Institute, Foundation for Defense of Democracies), led by Mr Craig Kennedy, senior fellow from the Hudson Institute. The delegation was hosted by the Director of NATO ENSEC COE Colonel Gintaras Bagdonas, the Deputy Director Colonel Jean-Marc Bouillet and the Heads of the Research and Lessons Learned, and the Doctrine and Concept Development Divisions.

The Meeting in ENSEC COE was part of the larger programme of the delegation’s visit to the Baltic States. The aim of the visit was to strengthen the transatlantic ties, as well as deepen involvement and expertise of opinion leaders and young professionals from US Governmental institutions and leading US think tanks on regional security threats, including energy security.

The joint delegation was introduced to the activities of the ENSEC COE, trends of energy security in the Baltic region and the importance of Central Europe Pipeline System.