NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

The Members of the Leader’s Club (Vadovų klubas) at the NATO ENSEC COE

On 9th of June Colonel Gintaras Bagdonas, Director of NATO ENSEC COE gave a lecture to the members of the Leader’s Club (Vadovų klubas). The visit was arranged as a part of cooperation under the NATO ENSEC COE Letter of Intent signed on 5th May 2014. Executive network Vadovų Klubas is the leadership forum and continuous learning platform for senior executives and business owners. The ultimate goal of Vadovų Klubas is to facilitate an effective information exchange among its members.

During the lecture, Colonel Bagdonas presented the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence and its major activities.

Participants of the lecture also discussed with Col Gintaras Bagdonas the need for energy efficiency of the Armed Forces of the Alliance, future tendencies and challenges of energy requirements within the military forces.