NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

The Lithuanian National Defence System Medal of Merit for LTC Luca Dottarelli

The Vice minister of Defence of Republic of Lithuania, Edvinas Kerza, presented the Head of Doctrine and Concept Development Division of the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence, Italian Army Lieutenant Colonel Luca Dottarelli, with “Lithuanian National Defence System Medal of Merit” at the Ministry of Defence in Vilnius on July 21st 2017.

“The Lithuanian National Defence System Medal of Merit“ is the highest level award of the National Defence System bestowed for extraordinary merits in developing and strengthening national defence over the course of many years, and for dedication in service”, according the official motivations.

LTC Luca Dottarelli was awarded the prestigious national recognition for his merit and personal contribution in establishing developing and strengthening NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence and for his input into implementation of significant projects.