NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

The EU Hybrid Fusion Cell visit to NATO ENSEC COE

The NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence was happy to welcome Ms Kersti Pilma, Ms Agnė Linkevičienė and Mr David Hunter of the EU Hybrid Fusion Cell on their visit to the Centre. They were met by COL Jean-Marc Bouillet the Deputy Director of the NATO ENSEC COE, who briefly introduced the main areas of work that the Centre is currently engaged in.

In turn, the members of the Hybrid Fusion Cell shared the main threats they have been tasked to analyse, as well as the progress that has been made.

The guests expressed interest in the possibility of working together with the Centre, towards the goal of analysing and countering present and future threats. The possibility of introducing a cooperation framework between the EU and NATO institutions was also discussed, with the aim of including various organisations that deal with threats of different nature into one communication and cooperation network, thus improving the analysis and response capabilities of both NATO and the EU as a whole.