NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

The delegation of French cadets visit the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence

On the 6th of February, a delegation of French cadets was received by the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence Deputy Director Colonel Jean-Marc BOUILLET. The Deputy Director presented the Centre's mission, main activities and on-going projects. Main challenges and the importance of Energy Security and Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection were explained.

Colonel BOUILLET pointed out "that it might appear that the knowledge of NATO's Energy Security actions is not directly related to their cadet training, or with their first posts in battalions as platoon leaders, but it will help to develop their awareness of emerging challenges for NATO. As future commanders they will meet the challenges of effective energy management and protection of critical energy infrastructure and will face its impact on military operation capability in full effect."

The energy efficiency of the armed forces, the NATO contribution to the protection of critical energy installations, and innovations for military applications have attracted particular attention from the audience and have been the subject of very constructive discussions.