NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Tabletop Exercise "Coherent Resilience Baltics" will take place on November 2023

On 14-15th of February representatives from various civilian and military organizations and agencies from different countries participated in Initial planning conference (IPC) for Tabletop Exercise Coherent Resilience 2023 Baltics (TTX CORE 23-B). Gathered in-person and joined online more than 50 planners discussed about the aim, objectives, design, participants, evaluation and other aspects of TTX CORE 23-B.

TTX CORE 23-B will take place on November 2023 in one of Baltic States. A subject of the TTX is the resilience of maritime and offshore energy installations, including ports and shore elements related with it in/next to Baltic Sea.

TTX CORE 23-B will be enabled by NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence, European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, US Naval Postgraduate School, also supported by NATO Maritime Security Centre of Excellence, European Centre of Excellence for Hybrid Threats; NATO Strategic Communication Centre of Excellence, NATO Crisis Response and Disaster Management Centre of Excellence and others. The exercise will bring together representatives from energy system operators, Ministries of the Energy, Ministries of Defence, governmental and public companies and organizations from relevant countries. 

The main purpose of the exercise is to evaluate the effectiveness of plans, policies and procedures used to build resilience of maritime and offshore energy infrastructure in case of hybrid attacks.