NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Students from the Campbell University visited the NATO ENSEC COE

On the 5th of June NATO ENSEC COE was visited by students from the Campbell University (USA). On their trip to Eastern and Northern Europe, they visited many institutions that dealt with post-soviet heritage, geopolitical state of the region and threats towards the region, among which was NATO ENSEC COE.

They were met by the Head of the Strategic Analysis Division Dr Artūras Petkus (NATO ENSEC COE), who delivered a lecture on the competences and mission of the Centre. The guests were also briefed on the main projects and future planned activities of the COE. Finally Dr Petkus reviewed the current Energy related risks of the Baltic Sea region and their possible solutions.

The guests were especially interested in the role of the Centre as a think-tank as well as the mechanisms of how the COEs deliverables affect policy decisions and contribute to real life changes.