NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Students from Military Academy of Lithuania visit to ENSEC COE

On the 25th of October the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence was visited by students from the General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania, with the purpose of broadening their knowledge on the specifics of military energetics. They were visiting as part of their academic programme and as a concluding lecture of the course delivered in the Military Academy by Doc. Gintaras Labutis – “Sustainable development and energy security”.

They were met by the Centre’s Director COL Gintaras Bagdonas, who briefed the students on the work that the COE is conducting and further talked about the critical aspects of energy security one has to be consider in the modern day geopolitical and economic landscape.

Such cooperation between the ENSEC COE and the Military Academy has been conducted frequently for the past three years, as a mutually beneficial project that aims to educate the future officers of the Lithuanian military and to allow them to expand their field of view past the conventional issues of security and politics.