NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Strategic Military Perspectives Workshop

On 11-12 of June, the NATO ENSEC COE representative, LTC Luca DOTTARELLI, attended the Framework for Future Alliance Operations (FFAO) workshop in the Marine Establishment Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

The workshop purpose was to identify trends in order to develop Strategic military perspectives through the analyse carried out by experts and Subject matter experts (almost 70 experts/nations/HQs CoEs representatives) of the Instability situations done with the lens of the NATO Core Tasks in order to identify emergent strategic-level ideas that may indicate a change in how Alliance forces perform the Core Tasks in the future security environment.

The FFAO will develop a future organising concept on the Alliance's core tasks of Collective Defence, Cooperative Security and Crisis Management derived by a set of Broad strategic insights and associated capability implications through an assessment of mission types to inform a future CHF to influence the NATO Defence planning process by providing a coherent long-term perspective that will strengthen the ability of the Alliance to completely determine and allocate requirements.