NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Seminar on Critical energy infrastructure protection and cyber-security

On 18 – 19 May 2015, Director of NATO ENSEC COE Col. Gintaras Bagdonas participated at the Baltic – U.S. seminar on Critical energy infrastructure protection and cyber security. Director presented the Centre`s main activities and involvement into the field of Critical energy infrastructure protection. Col. Gintaras Bagdonas also presented possible ways to join to the NATO ENSEC COE projects. Academic circles were invited to explore internship and fellowship possibilities at the NATO ENSEC COE.

Seminar was organised following up on the decision by the U.S. and Baltic State Presidents of 2013 to develop protection of critical infrastructure and cyber-security for the United States and Baltic experts with a special focus on the energy sector and risks of cyber-attack.

The seminar took stock of what has been accomplished in the framework of the project until now, provided an insight into national events and discussed cooperation with companies in the energy sector.  The participants also discussed the enforcement of norms and regulations, shared their experience with public-private partnerships and discussed proposals for further cooperation. Next year, the seminar will take place in Vilnius.

The seminar has been organised by AS Latvenergo, the Faculty of Power and Electric Engineering at the Riga Technical University and the United States Embassy in Riga. The seminar brings together representatives of public administration, the energy sector and academic circles from the USA and the Baltic States.

It was agreed to increase level of cooperation with common trainings between three Baltic Centres of Excellence: Energy Security, Strategic communication and Computer and Cyber Defence on Critical energy infrastructure protection and cyber-security.