NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Planning of Exercise Coherent Resilience 2017 have started in Kyiv, Ukraine

On 25-26th January, Deputy Director of the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (NATO ENSEC COE) Colonel Jean-Marc Bouillet and acting Head of Education, Training and Exercise Division and a Project Lead Major Rimantas Šikas have participated in the Initial Planning Conference of the Table Top Exercise (TTX)  Coherent Resilience 2017 (CORE 2017) in Kyiv, Ukraine.

On January 25th, just before the beginning of the conference, the nominated co-director of the exercise , Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry Mr. Anatolli Korzun, signed the exercise specifications for CORE 2017. The first day of the conference was dedicated for the meetings of the Training Audience. They were introduced to the concept of the exercise and geo-strategic situation. Representatives of the Naval postgraduate School Mr. Alan Howard and Mr. Daniel Temple introduced concept of valuation of the exercise.  Representatives of 19 Ukrainian ministries and their institutions have participated the conference.

Exercise planning Group have met on the 26th of January. The group was introduced with the scenario and valuation criterions. Later on, members of the group started syndicate work to make the task more detailed, to enhance the scenario and tasks themselves, Real Life Support, Exercise Evaluation Plan and Requirements, and Exercise information plan.

The main result of the conference – sharing responsibilities of hosts and organizers.  “The results of this conference show how deeply everyone is involved in this exercise. This will allow to succeed all goals that we will plan for the future of CORE 2017”, – said Deputy Director J.M. Bouillet.

The Conference was organized in cooperation between the NATO ENSEC COE and the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry. Next Exercise Planning Group meeting is scheduled on the 6-7th of March, main planning conference – 30-31st May.