Participants of the International Cadet Week visit NATO ENSEC COE
On the 29th of March, the NATO ENSEC COE hosted an international group of cadets from NATO and partner nation military academies, who are currently participating in the International Cadet Week organized by General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania.
As this year Lithuania marks the 15th anniversary of membership in NATO, participants of International Cadet Week were acquainted with various NATO units and institutions which are deployed in Lithuania. After visiting NATO Force Integration Unit and Enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroup, cadets were welcomed at the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence to hear more about its contribution to NATO energy security issues.
During their visit, cadets from Belgium, Croatia, Estonia, Georgia, Germany, Latvia, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, Ukraine and the United States were greeted by the NATO ENSEC COE’s Director Colonel Romualdas PETKEVIČIUS. Colonel made a presentation about COE structure, mission as well as ongoing projects and studies carried out by the Subject Matter Experts of the Centre. Afterwards, the guests were briefed by the Head of the Doctrine and Concept Development Division, Commander Andrea MANFREDINI, about the development of environmentally friendly and efficient military capabilities, as well as energy management experiments and projects. The Subject Matter Expert of the Education, Training and Exercise Division, Lieutenant Commander Arif ALKAYA, introduced various courses and tabletop exercises that are organised and conducted by the NATO ENSEC COE.
Such events organized by Military Academy of Lithuania involving the community of international cadets are important in order to foster international understanding, cooperation and to discuss issues relevant to students and future NCOs and officers. The NATO ENSEC COE is always glad to have an opportunity to share its experience and knowledge with those who seek expertise and solutions.