NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

New Sponsoring Nations joining the NATO ENSEC COE

Director of NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence Colonel Gintaras BAGDONAS is glad to announce that two new Sponsoring Nations, United State and Germany, has finalized their accession procedures on the 19th July 2017. The NATO ENSEC COE is currently represented by the following ten countries: Lithuania, as a Framework Nation, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Turkey, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, all being Sponsoring Nations, and one Contributing Partner – Georgia. Czech Republic is contributing to the Centre with VNC staff member.

American representative is joining the Centre as a Head of Education, Training and Exercise Division, while German representatives will contribute to the Centre through the position of Head of Research and Lessons Learned Division and a Subject Matter Expert position in Doctrine and Concept Development Division.

It is worth mentioning, that the Centre will continue its development this year. It is expected that the Technical Arrangement for joining of Finland as a Contributing Partner will be signed in end-2017. Those enlargements demonstrate a growing importance of the Centre within the NATO Community of Interest, as well as its influence on the international environment.

This enlargement demonstrates trust in our Centre and the value of everyone’s work.