NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

NATO ''Smart Energy'' exercise

Pictures from exercise

Represantatives of NATO ENSEC COE were taking active part at running Smart Energy unit in the exercise Capable Logistician 2015, Hungary, 8-19 June, where NATO was testing a range of energy-efficient solutions in an effort to cut cost while enhancing interoperability and military effectiveness. The exercise took place at Bakony Combat Training Centre near Veszprem, Hungary, and, with the support of NATO’s Science for Peace and Security Programme, included input from 30 experts from defence agencies and research institutes.

A total of 1,700 troops were taking part in the exercise and more than 50 pieces of equipment were tested. Exercise Capable Logistician saw NATO analyzing how equipment using different energy-efficient technologies interacts. Technologies applied included micro grids to improve a camp’s energy management; renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power; insulation against heat and cold; low-energy technologies for water purification; LED lights; and small portable fuel cells for NATO soldiers.  Featured scenarios consisted of responding to power cuts, diesel and water contaminations and generators breaking down.

The long-term goal is to introduce technologies that can reduce the fuel consumption by troops deployed on military operations.

“NATO Smart Energy is about empowering the soldier of the future and an important missions enabler for the modern military. It reduces cost and risks of military operations, as well as the environmental footprint of the military,” explained Ambassador Sorin Ducaru, Assistant Secretary General of NATO”s Emergency Security Challenges Division.

NATO’s Smart Energy programme began in 2011 and aims to improve the energy efficiency of Allied armed forces through a wide range of means such as the increased use of renewable energy and better energy management.