NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

NATO-ICI Table Top Exercise on the “Protection of Critical Energy Infrastructure”

On 20-23 October 2014 the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence hosted the NATO-ICI Table Top exercise on the “Protection of Critical Energy Infrastructure”. . It was the first exercise organised by the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence, with support by the NATO Emerging Security Challenges Division. The event was open to NATO members and Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI) partner countries. The aim of the exercise was to support national authorities in building resilience through improved disaster preparedness, planning, prevention and response, while strengthening their capability to manage potential civil emergencies. Energy security exercises are critical to maintaining and strengthening relationships between business sectors, national government institutions and international organisations.

Senior civil emergency planners and crisis management officers from NATO nations and ICI partner countries exercised several scenarios, which included Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) shipment incidents, cyber risks to energy-related port infrastructure, and events in the information domain, all affecting the security of critical energy infrastructure.

The participants also had an opportunity to attend several lectures on energy security awareness and the protection of critical energy infrastructure.

Table top exercises are discussion-based exercises where participants meet in a classroom setting or in breakout groups to discuss their roles during an emergency and their potential responses to a particular emergency situation. A facilitator presents a scenario and asks the exercise participants questions related to the scenario, which initiates a discussion among the participants of roles, responsibilities, coordination, and decision-making.