NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

NATO ENSEC COE was visited by Major General Michael Claesson from Sweden

Major General Michael CLAESSON, Head of Policy and Plans Department of the Swedish Armed Forces Joint Defence Staff was met by the NATO ENSEC COE Deputy Director, Colonel Pascal FERNANDEZ. The Centre’s Deputy Director was accompanied by the Head of the Strategic Analysis Division Dr. Artūras PETKUS, Head of the Research and Lessons Learned Division Dr. Reiner ZIMMERMAN, Subject Matter Expert of the Doctrine and Concept Development Division Ms. Vitalija PETRONĖ and Subject Matter Expert of the Education, Training and Exercises Division Lieutenant Commander Arif ALKAYA.

The Deputy Director briefed the guest about the NATO ENSEC COE history, mission and structure. He also talked the guest through main on-going research projects, organized courses and main events. The guest was particularly interested in the Centre’s impact on region’s energy infrastructure security and exercises that contribute to the energy security topic. Therefore Ms. Vitalija PETRONĖ from the Doctrine and Concept Development Division presented to the general current main experiment and research projects as well as the Centre’s flagship event – international conference and exhibition - IESMA, dedicated to the energy innovations used in military applications.

At the end of the meeting the guest congratulated the Centre’s activities and expressed willingness to visit the NATO ENSEC COE in the future.