NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

NATO ENSEC COE visited by Swedish Hybrid Ambassador Fredrik Löjdquist

A Swedish delegation accompanied by Mr. Eitvydas Bajarūnas, the Hybrid Threats Ambassador at Large for Lithuania, visited the NATO ENSEC COE on Thursday the 20th of December. H.E. Fredrik Löjdquist, the Hybrid Ambassador for Sweden, and H.E. Kaarlo Laakso, the Deputy Head of Mission at the Swedish embassy in Vilnius, were met by Mr. Arturas Petkus, the Head of Division for Strategic Analysis.

The meeting dealt with various activities of different divisions at the NATO ENSEC COE. Hybrid threats and energy security issues were also high on the agenda. The NATO ENSEC COE works closely with the European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats in Helsinki in identifying and combatting vulnerabilities in the new threat environment.