NATO ENSEC COE supporting the development of NATO Counter Terrorism Discipline on Education and Training
NATO ENSEC COE representative expert maj. Remigijus Zilinskas (NATO EnSec Discipline Coordinator) attended the NATO Counter-Terrorism 1st Annual Discipline Conference", which was held on 14-16 June 2016, Ankara, Turkey.
As the Department Head for the Counter Terrorism Discipline, the NATO DAT- COE C hosted and led the ADC under the guidance of Supreme Allied Commander Transformation Joint Force Trainer (ACT JFT) and SHAPE J5 (Requirements Authority).
The purpose of the ADC was to provide a synchronization opportunity for the stakeholders such as NATO ESCD, MARSEC COE, NATO ENSEC COE, NATO CIED, Force protection, JFC Brunssum and other involved in the development and sustainment of the respective discipline. The conference provided a forum for the DAT community of interest (COI) to express and identify individual and collective training requirements in a NATO and non-NATO environment, which may feed the cycles of the Training Integration Plans.
The main outcome of the Conference was developed annual Discipline Alignment Plan (DAP) which shall reflect the main developments and achievements and outline the way ahead.
NATO ENSEC COE and NATO COE-DAT has been cooperating since the establishment of the Center in 2012 by supporting each other on the arrangements of various events and activities (conferences, exercises and courses)