NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

NATO ENSEC COE Subject Matter Experts provided valuable insights to ongoing international exercises

On May 30, Dr. Tadas Jakštas, Subject Matter Expert of the Research and Lessons Learned Division of the NATO ENSEC COE, delivered a presentation on "Energy Security Challenges in the Baltic States” as part of the Legal Air Operations Workshop organized by the Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Lithuania and the United States Air Force in Europe Command (USAFE). As the main part of the workshop, an active Table-Top Exercise was held to exercise on early identification of legal and operational issues in the context of the “coalition of the willing” environment.  Total 40 representatives from 12 different NATO countries participated in the event. The event was conducted on Military Academy of General Jonas Žemaitis premises.

In his presentation, Dr Jakstas focused the major vulnerabilities and risk factors of the security of energy supply in the Baltic States. In addition, the physical and cyber security vulnerabilities of electricity and gas sectors were discussed. Lastly, the environmental and nuclear safety challenges of Astravets Nuclear Power Plant project were presented.

Dr. Jakštas also contributed to the development of exercise scenarios by providing expertise on regional energy security issues.