NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

NATO ENSEC COE Subject Matter Expert important study gains wider audience on Baltic Rim Economies Review

Subject Matter Expert of the NATO ENSEC COE Dr. Tadas Jakštas published an expert article on Maritime Threats to Energy Security for the Baltic Economies Review. Article was published by The Pan-European Institute of the University of Turku and Centrum Balticum. In his article Dr. Jakštas focuses on the recent case study done by the NATO ENSEC COE on the abnormal maritime activities conducted by the Russian naval fleet in the Baltic Sea region.

Study can by downloaded from: https://enseccoe.org/data/public/uploads/2018/11/bre_3_2018-tadas-jaksta-article.pdf

Whole Baltic Rim Economies Review magazine can be read: http://www.utu.fi/en/units/tse/units/PEI/BRE/Documents/BRE_3_2018.pdf?utm_source=emaileri&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=The%20latest%20BRE%20review&utm_term=Read%20more&utm_content=u-2913803-65939348-1684583-2#page=5