NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

NATO ENSEC COE started cooperation with Polish Transmission System Operator

On 7th June, the Director of NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence Colonel Gintaras Bagdonas have visited Warsaw, Poland, where he met with the officials of Polish Transmission System Operator (PSE). During the visit Col. G. Bagdonas and president of PSE Eric Kłossowski have signed the cooperation agreement.

According to Col. G. Bagdonas, this cooperation agreement will be a strong basis for mutual work on energy security in the region and for the whole Europe. “I am very glad that we have found the common ground on this matter. Energy security is extremely important in regional security so this cooperation will ease the ways of finding possible liabilities, working to improve them with a help of Polish Transmission System Operator and Polish Armed Forces”, - director of the ENSEC COE said.

Working together, NATO ENSEC COE and PSE are going to cooperate in training in autumn, exercise in Ukraine next year, etc. It will also allow both parties to make the analysis easier while exchanging needed information for better understanding regional Critical Energy Infrastructure and its protection.

“Our Centre will be able to use the vast knowledge and experience in energy security to better needs of the whole Alliance”, - Col. Gintaras Bagdonas said.