NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

NATO ENSEC COE presenting CEIP at the Conference in the Police Academy in Szczytno

On the 27th - 28th of February, the Director of the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence Colonel Gintaras Bagdonas and the Head of Strategic Analysis Division Dr. Artūras Petkus, participated in an international conference "Involvement of the police, other services and institutions in the state critical infrastructure protection in time of asymmetric threats. Assessment and perspectives", organized by the Police Academy in Szczytno (Poland).

They delivered a presentation on "The Role of NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence in Support of Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection" presenting the Centre's work and involvement in the discipline, as well as a presentation on "Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection: the Importance of the Public-Private Partnership", which emphasized the necessity to address the problems that the civilian infrastructure and civilian response mechanisms would face in case of CEIP related emergencies.

The conference aimed to: assess the current situation of the division of competences; to clarify responsibilities of individual services and institutions; and to specify the capacity and limitations of actions taken for the state critical infrastructure protection. As a positive outcome, the conference also promoted solutions which enhance the effectiveness of performance and spread good practices.

During the visit to the Police Academy in Szczytno, the Commandant-Rector of the Police Academy in Szczytno, Colonel Dr. Marek Faldowski and Commandant-Prorector of the Police Academy in Szczytno Major Dr. Zbigniew Mikolajchyk also hosted a meeting with the representatives of NATO ENSEC COE and discussed the main projects and activities of common interest to both parties, in the hopes of possible further cooperation.