NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

NATO ENSEC COE prepares to conduct one of the biggest table top exercises this year – Coherent Resilience-18

Coherent Resilience-18 (CORE-18) will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania, during 3-7th of December 2018. Participants already started to register for the event and plan their trips. The aim of the TTX is to evaluate hybrid threats to critical energy infrastructures with implications for collective defence and the enablement of SACEUR's AOR (Supreme Allied Commander Europe). For the purposes of this exercise, infrastructures will broadly consist of fuel and electricity supply chains, as well as other transport (rail and road) and communications. The geographic area of the exercise will include the Baltic States, as well as Poland, Sweden and Finland.


  • Increase awareness and shared understanding of hybrid threats to critical energy infrastructure to include cyber-attacks, physical sabotage and disinformation campaigns
  • Understand the interdependencies among various energy infrastructures (fuel supply, electricity supply, communication networks)
  • Understand the dependence of the military forces on civilian energy infrastructure and transport capacities
  • Apply NATO and national crisis management plans related to critical energy infrastructure resilience
  • Identify shortfalls in plans, policies, procedures and resources related to resilience of critical energy infrastructure