NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

NATO ENSEC COE performed mini-TTX in Qatar

On May 9-12, after request from NATO HQ and Qatar, NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (ENSEC COE) has been invited and hosted to perform a mini-TTX (Tabletop Exercise) for Qatari authorities and has been asked to debrief this exercise during the Global Energy Security Talks (GEST).

Attendees were COL Thierry SEGARD (Deputy Director/Chief of Staff), LTC Videt NORNG (ETED Head of Division), LTC Ceyhun TURE (ETED Subject Matter Expert).  It was important to have both of SME there to assure continuity of ETE Operations. The exercise began by a rehearsal between NATO ENSEC COE and experts of Naval Postgraduate School and Strategic Education International Organisation.

The mini-TTX lasted one day. The two other days were devoted to GEST around strategical energy matters. Day 3 of GEST, has been the opportunity for NATO ENSEC COE to explain the framework of this exercise (Qatar is a member of Istanbul Cooperation Initiative since 2005) and to develop energy challenges for NATO. The exercise has been really appreciated by Qatari authorities and during the last debriefs of day 4, Qataris proposed to organize a full exercise including more attendants than only MOD and MFA.

This event was a great opportunity for the CEO to increase its visibility to panel of experts from 8 countries, and increase visibility of NATO especially with partners like Qatar and official Japanese experts (M.Hiroshi Hasegawa of Ministry of Energy, Trade and Industry, Ms Noriko Endo Ph.D at Keio University).