NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

NATO ENSEC COE expert attended the GLOBSEC 2023 Bratislava Forum

On 29-31 of May, Mr. Lukas Trakimavičius, Subject Matter Expert from the Research and Lessons Learned Division attended the 18th edition of the of the GLOBSEC 2023 Bratislava Forum. This event is one largest and most important security conferences in Central and Eastern Europe.

In addition to participating at a number of side events on climate and energy security, he also spoke on a panel titled “Leaving Russian oil and gas behind: the role of electrification in the EU’s energy transition.”

This side event was jointly organized by GLOBSEC and the Atlantic Council.

Other speakers included representatives from GLOBSEC, the Clean Air Task Force, the Westinghouse Electric Company and Javys, among other institution and private companies. 

The purpose of this side event was to provide a platform for participants to develop a common approach to resolve Europe’s energy and climate challenges following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and promote an open discussion between policymakers, private sector representatives, and analysts.