NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

NATO ENSEC COE conducts its largest Tabletop Exercise COHERENT RESILIENCE 2018

On 3rd-7th December NATO ENSEC COE conducts its Tabletop Exercise (TTX) COHERENT RESILIENCE 2018 (CORE-18) in Vilnius, Lithuania.

The purpose of the CORE-18 is to strengthen national authorities in building resilience through evaluation and preparedness for hybrid threats to critical energy infrastructure, paying due attention to collective defence of Baltic fuel supply; the understanding of interdependencies among various energy infrastructures, military forces and civilian energy infrastructure; the appliance of NATO’s and national crisis management plans. As well as during the lectures and syndicates the policies and procedures related to protection of critical energy infrastructure are going to be re-evaluated and improved.

To reach the goals of TTX, infrastructures broadly consist of fuel and electricity supply chains and other transport and communications. The geographic area of the exercise include the Baltic States, as well as Poland, Finland and Sweden.