NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

NATO COE Coordination Meeting 2013

On 16-17 January, 2013  HQ SACT transformation Network Branch (TNB) conducted the 2013 COE Coordination Meeting (COE COORD) on 16-17. The event was hosted hosted by the Counter Improvised Explosive Devices Centre of Excellence (C-IED COE) in Madrid Spain. With this event TNB started an annual cycle of activities coordination among NATO Centres of Excellence and NATO Allied Command Transformation.

On 16-17 January, 2013  HQ SACT transformation Network Branch (TNB) conducted the 2013 COE Coordination Meeting (COE COORD) on 16-17. The event was hosted hosted by the Counter Improvised Explosive Devices Centre of Excellence (C-IED COE) in Madrid Spain. With this event TNB started an annual cycle of activities coordination among NATO Centres of Excellence and NATO Allied Command Transformation.

The 2013 COE COORD focused on the COE –COE mutual support and coordination in the year 2013 as well as  COE Best Practices (BP) sharing. Ms Rasa Pazarauskiene, Expert, Doctrine and Concept Development Division, NATO ENSEC COE introduced proposal for future cooperation with CCD COE, DAT COE, CJOS COE and CSW COE for 2013 and beyond.

NATO Centres of Excellence (COE) are nationally or multinationally sponsored entities, which offers recognised expertise and experience to the benefit of the Alliance, especially in support of transformation. They also provide opportunities to enhance education and training, to improve interoperability and capabilities, to assist in doctrine development and/or to test and validate concepts through experimentation.  COEs are not a part of the NATO Command Structure (NCS), but their activities with NATO are coordinated through HQ ACT.NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (NATO ENSEC COE), established by Lithuania and five other NATO Nations (Estonia, France, Italy, Latvia and Turkey)  is the newest accredited NATO COE.  The mission of the NATO ENSEC COE is to assist NATO, Nations, Partners and other bodies by supporting NATO’s capability development process, mission effectiveness, and interoperability by providing comprehensive and timely expertise on aspects of energy