NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Minister of National Defence of the Republic of Lithuania visited the NATO ENSEC COE

On the 22nd of January the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence had a pleasure to receive the Minister of National Defence of the Republic of Lithuania Mr. Arvydas ANUŠAUSKAS. The Defence minister visited the Centre on his scheduled inspection of the military institutions and units. The Minister was received by the NATO ENSEC COE Director Colonel Romualdas PETKEVIČIUS and his Legal Adviser Dr. Artūras PETKUS.

A detailed presentation was delivered in order to introduce the Minister to the NATO ENSEC COE history, structure, chain of command and responsibility to the NATO. The Centre’s Director presented each Centre’s Division separately explaining their main tasks, ongoing projects, courses, experiments, research activities and studies. The presentation was summarized by highlighting this year’s most important table-top exercises Coherent Resilience 21-Baltic, Coherent Resilience 20 (postponed from last year due to quarantine requirements) and experiments which results will be presented at the end of this year.

The Minister of National Defence of the Republic of Lithuania Mr. Arvydas ANUŠAUSKAS already knew much about the NATO ENSEC COE which resulted the communication to be very constructive and fruitful. At the end of the meeting the Minister thanked for the presentation and accepted the Centre’s Director Colonel Romualdas PETKEVIČIUS invitation to visit the Centre in the near future.