NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Meeting with UK Commander of Joint Forces Command

On April 8, 2015 General Sir Richard BARRONS, Commander of UK Joint Forces Command, accompanied by Brig Gen Vilmantas TAMOŠAITIS, Chief of Joint Staff of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, visited the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence.

Colonel Gintaras Bagdonas, director of the Centre introduced to distinguished guests the energy security definition, NATO ENSEC COE mission and Structure, NATO role in Energy security and the Energy Security Strategic Awareness Course, which is prepared by the Centre in cooperation with Naval Postgraduate School (USA) and NATO Scholl Oberammergau. Major projects of NATO ENSEC COE were presented by LTC Nicolas Henry, Deputy Director of Centre.

Presentations were followed by short Questions and answers session.

Since the November 29, 2014 the United Kingdom is the seventh Sponsoring Nation of the NATO ENSEC COE.