NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Italian CID and University of Genova Visit to NATO ENSEC COE

On 20th of March, Director of the Italian Defence Innovation Centre (CID) and an acting coordinator forming Italian Cyber Command - Brigadier General Francesco Vestito, along with Lieutenant-Colonel Massimo Zanchiello from CID, Lieutenant Sonia Forconi from NATO M&S COE, and researchers from University of Genova, visited NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (ENSEC COE). Colonel Adomaitis, Director of Cyber Security and Telecommunications Service under Lithuanian MOD also participated in the meeting. Purpose of the visit was to share some knowledge and experience about cyber security modelling solutions.

Director of NATO ENSEC COE, Colonel Bagdonas, introduced the guests to the activities, goals, mission, and partnerships that NATO ENSEC COE has, while also discussing the concept of NATO Centres of Excellence.


Later, Mr. Vytautas Butrimas, expert from NATO ENSEC COE, presented some of the challenges that are faced in the cybersecurity of critical energy infrastructures. He concentrated on SCADA (Supervisory Control and Network Data) systems and their vulnerabilities. Colonel Darius Adomaitis also briefed the Italian delegation on cyber security issues that the Lithuanian Cyber Security and Telecommunications Service faces.