NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

International exhibition and conference "IESMA 2016" ends in Vilnius

On 16th-18th November, the conference and exhibition “Innovative Energy Solutions for Military Application” (IESMA 2016) is taking place in Vilnius, Lithuania, exposition centre “Litexpo”. “IESMA 2016” is being organized by NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence and Georgian Scientific Research Centre of Georgian Ministry of Defence “DELTA”.

“I am very glad that this event is taking place for the third time already and it attracted a lot experts. Energy efficiency and innovations in military is very important for whole NATO. It is the only exhibition of this kind in Europe and the fact, that the interest and numbers of participants is growing, just proves that the energy community exists and it’s growing”, - said the Director of the NATO ENSEC COE Colonel Gintaras Bagdonas.

The best experts of their fields from NATO countries and partner nations are sharing their knowledge and expertise during the panels being held in the exhibition premises. Their discussing the topics that will be relevant for energy efficiency in military operations for next decade. New, innovative ideas are being presented for efficiency in energy usage, new technologies and the ways, how the consumption of fossil fuels could be lowered.

“We are living in the very rapidly changing geopolitical situation. Therefore, the consumption of energy, critical energy infrastructure protection and uninterruptable supply of energy is important not just for NATO itself, but for every independent country. To make the result as best as possible, we have to encourage cooperation between the military, private sector and academia”, - said the Minister of Defence of Lithuania Juozas Olekas.

NATO Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges Ambassador Sorin Ducaru, Minister of Energy of Lithuania Rokas Masiulis, Ambassador of Georgia HE Khatuna Salukvadze and other distinguished guests also participated in the opening ceremony and first panels of the Conference.

 Photo credits: Vainius Eiva