NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

IESMA 2018 conference and exhibition has been officially concluded

IESMA 2018 conference and exhibition was concluded in LITEXPO halls on 15th of November. The second day of IESMA 2018 received larger audience from civilian side as it was more dedicated to companies and their presented solutions.

The day started with opening speech of the first session moderator LTC Herve Jure, NATO Supreme Allied Command Transformation HQ. First session was dedicated to Energy Management so the floor was given to CDR Andrea Manfredini, Head of Doctrine and Concept Development Division of the NATO ENSEC COE and Ms Jennifer Doran, Behavioural Scientist and SME of the NATO ENSEC COE. They presented Energy Management in Military Expeditionary Environment, an experiment conducted in West Africa. The session was concluded with speeches done by Mr. Richard Brewin, European Defense Agency; Mr. Andrew Tate, UK MOD Defence Science and Technology Laboratory; Mr. Jakob Gille, Swedish Armed Forces Defence Staff.

Extensive part of the day was dedicated to business companies that exhibited their innovative energy solutions for the military applications. Each company received a huge attention in exhibition hall followed by speeches in conference section. Each company’s representatives made a detailed presentation on their solutions. IESMA 2018 visitors could observe presentations done by: Procontain (FRA); Triogen (NED); Pfisterer (DEU); G&G Partners (ITA); Akuo Energy (FRA); Datest (EST); Intracom Defense Electronics (GRC); Siemens (DEU); Thielmann (DEU); Eaton Electronics (LAT); Setolite (DEU); Avlite (USA) and others.

The day was concluded with in-depth presentation of Hybrid Power Generation and Management System (HPGS) done by the NATO ENSEC COE representative. HPGS was funded by Canadian government and co-developed by the NATO ENSEC COE and Pfisterer. Currently HPGS is actively tested in exercises by Lithuanian Armed Forces. HPGS was shipped to IESMA 2018 right from the international NATO exercise Trident Juncture 2018, where it was used to provide energy for military camp.

Finally, the closing of IESMA 2018 exhibition and conference was announced by the NATO ENSEC COE Director COL Romualdas Petkevičius followed by his warm gratitude for participation and inspirational invitation to IESMA 2020.

For more event photos please visit IESMA 2018 official webpage and gallery area: http://www.iesma.info/gallery/7