NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

Hybrid threats: overcoming ambiguity, building resilience





Hybrid threats: overcoming ambiguity, building resilience

Expert level workshop, September 10th - 11th, 2015

Conference Hall, Vokieciu str. 10, Vilnius, Lithuania

Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University


                 Institute of International Relations and Political Science of Vilnius University (IIRPS VU) and NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence in partnership with Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania are pleased to invite you to the expert level workshop titled Hybrid threats: overcoming ambiguity, building resilience”. The workshop is scheduled for September 10th - 11th, 2015 and will be held at IIRPS VU.

                 The main goal of the workshop is to provide an expert level platform to discuss the security issues in Eastern Europe including lessons learned from Ukraine crisis. The workshop contributes to raising awareness about changing security perspectives as well as serves for the exchange of practical insights about the ways of improving EU's and NATO's instruments for coping with hybrid threats.

                 The event aims to bring together leading experts, academic scientists, researchers and media representatives to exchange and share their views and experiences about current hybrid threats and their prevention. It also provides the platform for increasing the knowledge on countering misinformation, deconstructing propaganda and dealing with ambiguity. It will also focus on energy security issues and critical energy infrastructure protection together with examples of social resilience. The event will gather experts from NATO and European Nations and institutions, as well as Ukraine.

Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us: Renata.Donauskyte@enseccoe.org

Draft programme