NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

High ranking delegation of Ukraine visit to the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence

On the 11th of April, the NATO ENSEC COE was pleased to welcome Ukrainian delegation, led by Mr. Sergii Korsunskyi, Director of the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine, and H.E. Mr. Volodymyr Yatsenkivskyi, Ambassador of the Ukraine to the Republic of Lithuania. The guests were warmly greeted by the Centre's Director Colonel Gintaras Bagdonas.

The delegation was briefly introduced to the Centre's organizational structure, aims, implemented and forthcoming projects. The NATO ENSEC COE have already worked on a number of successful projects, one of which as a comprehensive study 'Hybrid warfare against Critical Energy Infrastructure: The Case of Ukraine' on Ukrainian experiences and lessons learned from past circumstances of Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection.

The guests were especially interested in the recent developments of energy diversity and security of supply of the Black Sea region, which lead to a fruitful discussion and exchange of ideas and good practices.