NATO ENERGY SECURITY Center of Excellence

H.E Ambassador of Ukraine in Lithuania visited The NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence

On the 18th of September 2018, the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence was visited by his Excellency Ambassador of Ukraine. The Centre’s Director Colonel Romualdas Petkevičius welcomed them together with the Head of the Legal Team Mrs Renata Vaisviliene and the Head of the Strategic Analysis Division Mr. Artūras Petkus.

His Excellency Ambassador of Ukraine discussed the ongoing joining process of Ukraine as a Contributing Partner. Mutual cooperation was emphasised and possibilities to ensure the smooth process were considered. Director of the NATO ENSEC COE has ensured the full support in order to reach the common goal that is to raise the flag of Ukraine in front of the ENSEC COE premises.

NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence is delighted to welcome Ukraine as a partner nation, and encourage other NATO nations and partners to join, in order to promote energy security, efficiency and energy management in the future.